amble & northumberland
We are proud to be
Gold Award
Northumberland Tourism Ambassadors!
Amble Markets
Sunday Market - Held on the Quayside from 8am to 4pm. Open 12 months
Saturday Car Boot Sale - Held weekly on the Quayside from 8am til 3pm
(From March - October annually)
Alnwick Markets
Held in the Market Place every Saturday and on Thursdays between April and
December between 9am and 4pm. Please see
for more details.
Morpeth Market
Held every Wednesday in the Market Place (opposite the Town Hall) between 9am
and 4pm weather permitting! Please click here for more information
Farmers' Markets in Northumberland
Alnwick (Market Square) – last Friday of the month (except September and
December) between 9am and 2pm
Berwick (The Maltings) – last Sunday of the month
Greenhead Hadrian’s Wall Market (Village Hall) – second Sunday of every month
Hexham (Market Place) – second and fourth Saturday of the month
Morpeth (Market Place) – first Saturday of the month
Newcastle (Grey’s Monument) – first Friday in each month
Ponteland (Memorial Hall, Darras Road) – fourth Saturday of the month
Tynemouth (Metro Station) – third Saturday in each month
Amble RNLI Coffee Mornings
Amble Lifeboat Fundraisers (ALF) hold monthly coffee mornings on Sunday mornings from 1000 until 1300 at the
lifeboat station to raise much needed funds. They have a variety of home-made cakes, scones and soup, a
tombola and an opportunity to see the two lifeboats. The station shop is also open selling a variety of RNLI
RNLI Volunteers and support
Amble Lifeboat Fundraisers (ALF) continue to look for more volunteers who can give up an hour or two each
month to help organise and run various fundraising activities with all proceeds going towards saving lives at sea.
ALF meets on the first Wednesday of the month at the lifeboat station.
Anyone interested please contact the Lifeboat Station.
Amble Area Annual Events
(please check individual websites for up to date information on these events)
Northumberland Resident's Festival (March) - Local attractions open at discounted rates for
Northumberland residents! Check back for details!
Burgham International Horse Trials - March and July Click on for further information.
Morpeth Northumbrian Gathering - April. See for information
The River Aln Boat Club - Alnmouth
River Aln Boat Club offer a series of events throughout the year.See
events for more information
Tynemouth Food Festival - May See for further details
NORTHUMBERLAND DAY - Late MAY Bank Holiday Sunday
Celebrate everything about our fantastic County of Northumberland! 14 days of events from mid May to early
June. The very first Northumberland Day was celebrated on Sunday 28 May 2017.
Check their Facebook page for the latest information.
Northumberland Coastal Challenge One event, THREE distances… taking place Saturday 7 June 2025
Belsay Horse Trials - June
Fantastic family days out and a great weekend of Eventing against the stunning backdrop of historic Belsay Hall,
Castle and Gardens in Northumberland. See here for further information
Druridge Bay
Parkruns - held every Saturday at 9am
10K – Late May Bank Holiday Sunday
The Druridge Bay 10K course comprises good quality footpaths and firm sand and offers a challenge to club
runners, beginners and fun runners alike. Look out for further information.
Northumberland County Show - Late May Bank Holiday Monday
Held at Bywell. Put the next date in your diary now for a fantastic day out. Click here for more information
Festival of the Heavy Horse - June
Traditionally held at Etal Showground in Northumberland. A fantastic family fun day out - see for more details.
Morpeth Fair Day - June - details TBA. Check out their Facebook page for latest information
Mighty Dubfest - June @ Alnwick Pastures
Family friendly VW festival. See for tickets and information
Aln Valley Railway Classic & Vintage Vehicle Show - June See for further
Alnmouth Arts Festival – June
This annual event is held over a single summer weekend in late June, involving the entire village of Alnmouth
and utilises a wide range of venues. It is a unique event among north Northumberland villages and enjoys a
high reputation with both the public and the participants.
Events at Warkworth Castle – throughout July/August
A variety of events take place at the Castle throughout the year but especially during the summer months
Craft Fair are held at Cresswell Village Hall throughout the summer - check locally for details
Handmade Crafts, Food Stalls, Ice Cream, Dog Friendly Event + Beach, Vintage Caravan Tea Room, Something
for Everyone. FREE ENTRY
Mauretania Day , Amble - early July
In 1935 the RMS Mauretania sailed on its last journey. On Wednesday 6th July 1935, on her final voyage, RMS
Mauretania sailed past Amble on her way to the docks at Rosyth to be broken up.
At 10.25am, the clerk to Amble Urban Council sent the captain of the Mauretania a message of greeting:
“Amble to Mauretania. Greetings from Amble, last port in England, to still the finest ship on the seas”.
Back came the reply:
“Mauretania to Urban Council, Amble, to the last and kindliest port in England, greetings and thanks.
Over the years of retelling this story kindliest’ has changed into ‘friendliest’
Each year, Amble celebrates this event and holds Mauretania Day - based mainly at the harbour.
Rothbury Music Festival - July
A weekend of traditional music, dance and events in Rothbury in the beautiful Coquet Valley.
The details for the 2025 event will appear on their website
Alnmouth Raft Races – August. Check back for latest information - lots of fun and a visit from Amble RNLI
Inshore Lifeboat - see local press for details
Powburn Show - August
Held on the first Saturday in August, Powburn is the first of the annual Cheviot Sheep and Horticultural Shows.
See for details of the next event.
Glanton Show - August Click here for details of Glanton Show
Warkworth (Flower) Show – August
The annual 'Exhibition' held in the grounds of historic Warkworth Castle on the third Saturday of August
Further details on
Wittingham Show - August
Held annually on the third weekend in August. Check for
updates on this event
Volcano Night, Alnmouth, August
Volcano Night is an annual charity bonfire competition on Alnmouth beach. It is run by the River Aln Boat Club
(RABC) which promotes boating in the Alnmouth area, including dinghy and cruiser sailing, fishing and
canoeing. Details of the next event will be published on
Amble Harbour Day – Traditionally held on August Bank Holiday Sunday @ 10am
Amble's biggest and best day of the year and all for a great cause! Stalls, Lifeboat displays, souvenirs - a great
Bank Holiday day out! For further information click here
Glendale Show – August Bank Holiday Monday
This long running Agricultural Show brings town and countryside together. Gates open 9am.
Seahouses Lifeboat Fete – August Bank Holiday Monday
Annual Fundraising day in aid of the RNLI - stalls, displays, souvenirs - a great Bank Holiday day out! Click here
for further information
Swarland and Newton on the Moor Show – August Bank Holiday Monday
A fun family based village show, situated in the north Northumberland village of Swarland. It is a great family
orientated day, with free children's activities, car boot sale, tea room, stalls, and fun dog show.
Lindisfarne Festival - late August / early September
An opportunity to experience a weekend like no other - the festival is located on the amazing Northumberland
coastline, with a spectacular backdrop of the mythical and historical Holy Island of Lindisfarne.
See for details.
Bellingham Acoustic Music Festival - September
See for details
Warkfest at Warkworth Cricket Club - held annually over a weekdnf in late September in aid of the Cancer
charities and featuring local bands. This event is advertised locally and ickets are like gold dust!
Berwick Food and Beer Festival
Organised by Berwick's Slow Food Group, the Festival attracts thousands of visitors from all over the UK.
Click here for more information
Alnwick Food and Beer Festival – August/September
Held in the Market Place in the historic town of Alnwick.
Details of the next event will be published on
Berwick Media Arts Festival - Once again the border town of Berwick will be transformed into one big cinema
screen through film premieres, site-specific installations and live events in locations across Berwick and along
the town walls, attracting over 8,000 visitors, and artists and filmmakers from all corners of the UK and Europe
to Berwick. Click here for further details
The Kielder Runs - October
including Kielder Bike Run, Kielder 10k, Kielder Junior Races and Kielder Marathon
See for further information
Alwinton Show – October Held on the second Saturday of October every year, Alwinton Show is the last show
of the year, and one of the largest . Click here for further information
Millfield Heavy Horse Association - Looking Back : October .
A weekend looking back at old farming practices including horse drawn ploughing. Farmers' Market, craft stalls
and much more! See for more information
Northumberland Vintage Tractor Rally - October at Brunton Airfield nr Alnwick. See for further details.
Amble Christmas Lights – November. The fun begins during the afternoon with events on Queen Street
followed by the traditional Christmas parade to the Town Square. Late night shopping, festive fun and also
Santa will making an appearance!
Warkworth Christmas Lights - November. Held at the historic Market Cross, the village of Warkworth lights
up for the festive season. With a visit from Santa, late night shopping and festive singing, an event not to be